Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We're putting our very well used feet up for a few minutes before dinner on Tuesday. Today we wandered Strasbourg, up and down alleys, along the river and canals, and of course stopping to at least check out every patisserie along the way. Any day that starts with pain au chocolat can't go too far wrong after that, can it?

We'll try to post some pictures when we have more time, but for now just picture timbered houses leaning over cobbled alleys, baskets still overflowing with flowers, and bicycles ringing bells and weaving around pedestrians. I don't think we got any of the bicycles in the pictures--they were moving too fast.

<<------------ The famous astronomical clock in the Strasbourg Cathedral. Tonight: Alsatian food, which involves saurkraut (choucroute) and sausage and roasted meat and vegetables. And, well, maybe some dessert. Tomorrow we head into the Alsatian countryside and will let you know what we discover! Especially if it's edible.


  1. Don't forget - tarte au gratin! Also check out the graffitti on the top of the cathedral's bell tower. Some dates back to the Crusades.

  2. I'm feeling like it's time for another post.

  3. Oh, and apparently it never posted what I wrote the other day. I believe it was something along the lines of, "I had a salad with goat cheese on it today at lunch (actually it was called the 'warm goat cheese salad'). So since you are probably having quite a bit of cheese too, I imagine that we are having pretty similar experiences."

  4. Have to say I'm going to be drooling over here reading about all of the wonderful food you'll eat while you're in Europe!
