Sunday, October 11, 2009

On our way!

Well how's this? First day, first real entry! How awesome are we? Our flight from Denver went well. We're just waiting in the lounge here in Montreal. Good snacks, good company. I submit it cannot get any better than that!

To the kids who belittle us because we don't take any pictures of ourselves, we have actually taken two so far. Two pictures total, and both are of us. For the two or three people in the world who may care and want proof, you'll have to wait - for some reason the laptop is not recognizing the memory card and the cables are stashed away.

So tonight will be the big test for if we ever travel internationally again. If we can't sleep on this flight, we'll never sleep on a flight. No chocolate, no Coke, ample Ambien, a flat bed, and not much sleep last night. The deck is stacked in our favor, but if I were a betting man, I'm not sure I would put money on this one.

So there you go.
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. This is now the third time today that I have checked your blog for an update. Jill and I are sitting here watching the Rockies lose (they're out, BTW) and wondering how you are. There are things that I want to be talking to you about (no, nothing important, just things) so I hope you're having a good time so that it's worth my angst. No, but seriously, I am really excited for the next post.
